What the ninth hell did I just watch!? I’m still at loss for words; I’m just so messed up right now. WHY DO I KEEP WATCHING THIS? WHY DON’T I DROP IT NOW?? WHY WHY WHY? *guess this is what they call guilty pleasure*
I swear I don’t know how to feel about this anime, some people find it
as “humor” show some other find it as “porn” show. God, the brothers are
completely PSYCHO! No exception! I mean Shuu, I thought he was “different” but… what the fuck man, they all are the SAME! *PERVERTED VAMPIRES*.
Thank God Yui is not giving up about getting away from the mansion, too bad she’s just too helpless. Anyway Kanato is not just a psycho, he is obviously BIPOLAR. I may understand why girls like Shuu/Ayato but why would they like Kanato? Okay at least he hasn’t forced himself on Yui too far.
So this week is Raito-bitch-kun’s turn. Like what? Who is the real bitch here? You’re the one who’s acting like a bitch here, and please stop calling Yui-chan, Bitch-chan. It’s annoying, because I’m starting to like Yui. She’s so much better than the other heroines I’ve watched *cough* AMNESIA *cough* Brothers Conflict *cough* Yes, she RESPONDS to their filthy actions logically, She SPEAKS her mind, she FIGHTS even though not really often. Things just go so dark and sure they add some horror elements, like when Raito creepily stalks Yui everywhere. Anyway the green-haired guy sneaks to the mansion, and it seems like Cornelia’s dress.
I’m really feeling bad for her right now. That scene in the church just ugh! This is why I’m corrupted by some “real” ideals; I have to admit there’s a side of me that thinks the same way Raito did about belief. Truth be told, Yui is a sacrifice from the church she belonged to… Yui I feel you. Still Raito-bitch pissed me off. I was like wtf he really wants to DO her? That biting scenes… Honestly I wonder do they actually do it in the church?
Why they have to cliff hanger, last week I’m still curious what the hell Shuu did to her. So guys what do you think of this week’s episode?
Thank God Yui is not giving up about getting away from the mansion, too bad she’s just too helpless. Anyway Kanato is not just a psycho, he is obviously BIPOLAR. I may understand why girls like Shuu/Ayato but why would they like Kanato? Okay at least he hasn’t forced himself on Yui too far.
So this week is Raito-bitch-kun’s turn. Like what? Who is the real bitch here? You’re the one who’s acting like a bitch here, and please stop calling Yui-chan, Bitch-chan. It’s annoying, because I’m starting to like Yui. She’s so much better than the other heroines I’ve watched *cough* AMNESIA *cough* Brothers Conflict *cough* Yes, she RESPONDS to their filthy actions logically, She SPEAKS her mind, she FIGHTS even though not really often. Things just go so dark and sure they add some horror elements, like when Raito creepily stalks Yui everywhere. Anyway the green-haired guy sneaks to the mansion, and it seems like Cornelia’s dress.
I’m really feeling bad for her right now. That scene in the church just ugh! This is why I’m corrupted by some “real” ideals; I have to admit there’s a side of me that thinks the same way Raito did about belief. Truth be told, Yui is a sacrifice from the church she belonged to… Yui I feel you. Still Raito-bitch pissed me off. I was like wtf he really wants to DO her? That biting scenes… Honestly I wonder do they actually do it in the church?
Why they have to cliff hanger, last week I’m still curious what the hell Shuu did to her. So guys what do you think of this week’s episode?